Growth Strategy

Medium-Term Management Plan(FY2025 - FY2027)494KB

Management Policies to Achieve the Medium-Term Management Plan

Development of reuse business
  1. ① Open 30 to 40 new stores per year, mainly in the Kanto, Kansai, Chubu, and Kyushu regions, to expand the reuse network. These stores will serve as physical purchase and sales locations and also as hubs for online sales.
  2. ② Through recovery of earnings of the Group’s reuse companies, achieve continuous contribution to consolidated profit
Investment in new businesses
  1. ① Expand the distribution bases in Kanto and Kansai regions for full-scale deployment of the B2B auction business
  2. ② Accelerate growth by offering our original moving and removal business plus purchasing services at the same time. In addition to partnering with moving companies, the Company will have its own moving and removal division to provide moving services
  3. ③ Continue investing in the rapidly growing rental business to create a new pillar of business
Growth in overseas markets
  1. ① As Thailand business achieved full-year profit, it will promote the operation of a multiple number of stores
  2. ② In Taiwan, aim for the establishment of a reuse business model and achieve a single-year profit
Growth through M&A

Continue to aggressively conduct M&A of reuse companies, etc. that can realize synergies, such as complementing expertise and regional coverage

Growth through investments in digital transformation

Utilize the development capabilities of the Company’s systems division and the system developer subsidiary to streamline operation and improve the efficiency of appraisals using AI, and create opportunities for new purchases and sales through digital investments to increase the Group’s revenue

Medium-Term Management Plan(FY2025 - FY2027)

We has revised its plans for FY2025 and FY2026 upwards, and has created a new plan for FY2027.

(Unit : billion yen)

Results Previous
Forecasts Forecasts
Net sales 344 386 405 428 450 - 503 13.5%
Ordinary profit 33.9 36.3 37.3 40.2 41.9 - 46.7 11.3%
Ordinary profit ratio 9.8% 9.4% 9.2% 9.4% 9.3% - 9.3% -
Profit attributable to owners of parent  22.4 23.6 24.6 26.1 27.6 - 30.8 11.2%
Number of store openings per year 26 25-30 30 30-35 30-35 - 35-40 -

※Previous forecast is the sigure disclosed in november 2023.

Assumptions and notes on the Plan